We all want this, and we all want to do it: CHANGE!
So why don’t we? What are we waiting to happen?
CHANGE, big or small, means giving up something we have, even when it’s not serving us. We prefer to hold on to what we’ve got than to risk the reward of gaining something else. Many psychological studies have shown this.
CHANGE is not easy, but a lot of times, it’s necessary. Very few things we rely on early in our lives or careers can take us through our journey from start to end. You might say a good work ethic is one to hold onto, and yes, to a certain extent. If that work ethic leads to you being burnt out at the end of each week or is not getting you the promotion you deserve, then it needs to CHANGE.
What if you had a toolset to turn to when you need to CHANGE something about your life or your approach to life in general? Well, now you can have it. It begins with one simple word: MOTIVATE
The Oxford Dictionary defines MOTIVATE as a verb “to provide (someone) with a motive for doing something.” or ” to stimulate (someone’s) interest in or enthusiasm for doing something.”
MOTIVATE can mean to inspire, stimulate, encourage, spur (on), galvanize, arouse, excite, stir (up) or incentivize.
To spark CHANGE, we need to get excited or stimulated about the outcome of CHANGE! This comes from our MOTIVATION. We can only get there if we have the right motive(s).
Motivating yourself is the starting point for any sustainable CHANGE!